About Us

At Adventure Nearby, our team’s mission is to help nature lovers easily find the information they need about great locations to camp, hike, backpack, fish, kayak, or just explore in all that the United States has to offer.

Throughout our website, you’ll find several detailed guides that are written by experienced outdoors enthusiasts with our own thoughts and opinions on top of detailed research. We want to help you get outside and enjoy everything that nature has to offer, whether you’re just looking for a quick trip in your community or a destination you’re looking to explore. However, we encourage you to always check official park websites. Our information is reliable and up-to-date, but park closings can happen quickly if they occur.

Please note that the photography we use is either licensed or available to the public under the creative commons license. We have listed the sources for photos used in each article.

Contact us: adenturenearby@gmail.com